Friday, September 21, 2007

One Giant Step For Diane

Hello dear readers (all 2 of you)! I find myself mere hours away from signing the closing papers on my new condo, and I ponder: is this the biggest step I will take into adulthood? Should I never wed or have a child, it may very well be. I feel like I should have dressed up or gone out for the occasion; instead, I am rocking the Friday casual look, and will swing into Subway for the $1.99 roasted chicken breast sandwich on my way to Edina!

As I did the final pre-closing walk through last night, I was struck by how different this feels, how permanent, in comparison with the other places I've rented. I've been in Forest Lake for 3 years, but it's never really felt like "home". I don't know if it's the gun racks in the trucks, the occasional mullet, or the oft-seen Confederate flag bumper sticker, but FLake never grabbed me.

Now I can get used to the new little caveats of St. Louis Park. Will Hwy 100 become my nemesis, or my best means of getting to downtown for nights out? Will my neighbors like me, or will I like them? Do I have the slightest idea of where a grocery store, pharmacy, vet, or dry cleaner are? These are the fun things about relocating, the adventure of finding what is around you!

Wish me luck, dear readers, and that I don't end up with carpal tunnel after all this signing!


nat said...

Oooh! Now that you are in St. Louis park you will have to go to Trader Joe's.

Congratulations on closing! When's the condo-warming party?

Hot4Teacha said...

Condo warming parties will be scheduled at regular intervals to include all and sundry.

I drove by Trader Joe's one day... what IS that place? It looks cool, but I can't tell... like Pier One? Or TGI Friday's?

So many questions...

nat said...

Trader Joe's is a grocery store. It has lots of fun, yummy, and even healthy food. And they're reasonably priced.
Check them out here.

Also, did you take Putter with or is she still in FLake? I couldn't tell by your comment.

Hot4Teacha said...

Putter is still in FLake...for now! She will be coming home with mommy once all the furniture is moved and her kitty castle is established. She has her own bathroom, by the way! :)