Wednesday, December 19, 2007

(Wo)Man on the Run...

Aaaaahhhh!! Things are crazy - where to start?? I'm all over the map, so to speak:

Well, I went to Vegas for 4 days last week - haven't been there in about 5 years, so pretty much all the things that used to be there for me to use as landmarks are now g-o-n-e! I went out with my friend Joy, who was attending an educator's conference and had no one to go with her. Being the awesome friend I am, I said, "Sure, I'll stay for free at Treasure Island!" And so we did.

Good times, including playing keno (and losing abominably), drinking too much, window shopping at all the fabulous stores, and general lazing about were the order of the week. Joy & I hit up the restaurants that looked yummy, and relaxed. You know how you can stay home for a few days, but not really relax? Well, going away like this forced me to - it was awesome!

Joy & I had fun, even though our flight home was late by 3 hours. We bought some cards at the airport gift shop and amused ourselves with games and beer. The flight home wasn't too shabby, if I do say so myself! The buzz may have had a little to do with it, but frankly, after the long wait, I probably didn't have much of one left...just giddiness, as I normally am a bit giddy.

During my time in Vegas, my brother Nathan called to tell me Grandma Dugas was in ICU in Duluth. Seems she'd developed some fluid around her heart & lungs as a side effect of her lymphoma treatment. Whoa - lymphoma. That was a bit of a shocker - I mean, over Thanksgiving, she'd told me she'd had a scan and that there were some questionable spots, but I didn't realize the cancer was back. Anyway, they got the fluid off her organs, she's much more comfy and started chemo this week. I was a bit frantic for 24 hours while they weren't sure what was going on, but I shouldn't have been - she's a tough bird, my Grandma! I'm looking forward to seeing her over the holidays.

Back in the Cities, right before I left for Vegas, the heater blower on my car stopped working. I basically drove around in refrigerator for 3 days before I could get it into the shop! It took $450 to get a new motor and resistor, but I now have heat...woo-hoo!! Of course, all this occurred right before I flew out...perfect timing as always.

My boy is still sick, but FINALLY went to the doctor. It took him actually getting told by his mom to go to the doctor to force him into making an appointment. Meanwhile, he's in a big shakedown/job change hoopla at work that has him stressed out - very crappy. I'm stressed on his behalf, which doesn't help since I'm packed at work this week and next....people need the financial counseling just as much around the holidays as any other time, I guess!

Anyways, that's what is going on with me. I'm all over the place - but what else is new? Cheers!

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