Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The countdown is on...

The countdown to the first days of school is on! I don't know where the summer has gone, seriously. Especially that night out with the girls (how many bottles of wine was that?)!

Of course, as our first pay day approaches, how else do I reflect on the wonders of my job? I send out a mass email inviting everyone I work with to come drink with me! That's right, I am encouraging public consumption of alcoholic beverages at the townie bar we hang at (Geb & Manda, you've been there!).

Here's to many Friday funfests as I enter this, my 4th year of building a better America!


dancingo4 said...

Nice launch of your blog. I'm always looking for additional ways to pass time when I'm not wanted to work. Woo hoo.

Natalie said...

Totally wish I could join you for the alcohol consumption. Have a glass (or bottle) of wine for me!