Monday, October 03, 2005

This town wasn't big enough for the both of us

The town in question: St. Paul.

The "us" in question: me and a Falcon Heights police officer.

So after I dropped off my marathon-running friend at the 'Dome on Sunday, I'm driving another friend (this one hungover and without a car) to her place in Falcon Heights. As I'm telling stories (and of course, not paying close attention to my driving), my eyes are drawn into the rearview mirror.

What are these flashing red lights I see?

Oh yes, you've got it. It's the Five-Oh, the po-lice, the man.

So I pull over, not sure if I ran a red, drifted out of my lane, or had the pedal a little too far to the floor. Given my particular gift for speeding, I was betting on door #3. Officer approaches, asks if I know why I'm being pulled over, can he have my license and insurance...and yes, ma'am, you were going 45 in a 30, didn't you realize it's only a 30? So back to his car he goes, to decide my fate...

And he returns, saying he's going to give me the benefit of the doubt, as my record is clear and I'm apparently not aware of where or how badly I was speeding. Warning, have a nice day, ma'am.

And slow down.

And I will. For now...


dancingo4 said...

Glad to hear you did not have to contribute to the St Paul Police fund. It seems that there has been lot more police out and about lately. I get awfully nervous when I see them, as 99% of the time I'm flying down the road. Yiies.

Good job on playing the innocent girl :-)

Also - Minnesota Rules. While yes, I agree, I could do without scraping my car and don't like freezing when putting gas in my car but I wouldn't it trade it. I like to have the transition to each of the 4 seasons. We are in a rare place in the US where we are able to experience the all 4. The change of the leaves to the beautiful autumnal colors, the peacefulness of a freshly fallen snow, the budding flowers in Spring, bbq's on the patio. All wonderful parts of living in MN! Ok I am a sap but really - how nice is it to live here!

I do like to vacation in the sunny weather state but there is no way I could handle being sweaty all the time. 3 monthes is plenty for me.

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