Monday, February 04, 2008

Nope, not McDreamy

So as I moved to St. Louis Park, I have had to collect a whole new cadre of professionals with whom to round out my life. New mechanic? Check. New chiropractor? Check (and crack!). And then to my least favorite, new dentist. I despise the dentist, but have seen too many toothless wonders out there to deny the importance of dental hygiene.

So...I went to Dr. Dave Hertelendy at All Care Dentistry. They do sedation dentristry there...I mean, they would knock me out, drill their holes and whatnot, and when I wake up, I have no memory of the ordeal and my teeth are fabulous! How good a deal is that?

The downsides - Dr. Dave is no McDreamy. My previous dentist, Dr. Patet was quite Dreamy-like. Also, my initial cleaning & exam involved no drugs or memory suppression. And as the Floss Nazi (I think her name was Dorice) sawed into my gums, scraped with her scrapey thing, and otherwise tortured me, something went awry and I had a throbbing pain in my second-from-the-back-on-the-right-side molar (not sure of "technical" name) by the time I left the office. Ow!! Not sure what they jostled back there, but damn, it hurt!

Hours later, I was still throbbing, couldn't drink or eat anything on that side of my mouth, and talking and moving my jaw hurt like hell. So I curled up in a ball, took too many Ibuprofen, and slept it off as best I could. We've now resorted to a dull, sometimes-it-hurts ache. I think in their cleaning expedition, they hit a cavity (I guess I have two) and it's still smarting.

I have a follow-up appointment to fill the cavities in a few weeks. In the interim, I'll try to floss...but gently...and be a good dental caretaker. But I still hate the dentist. Maybe if he was McDreamy, it wouldn't be so bad...but in this case, drugs will have to do.


Natalie said...

Ouch! I have very sensitive teeth and haven't been to a dentist in way too long. When I finally go I think I will have to get good and schnockered first.

Hot4Teacha said...

Yes - schnockered is recommended! Well, by me; probably not by most dentists!