Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I'm thinking of renaming Pudder (pronounced "putter"). As some of you may know, she came with the name Puder (pronounced "pooter") which I just couldn't deal with - I mean, you all know what it sounds like, right? Ew. No cat of mine is going to be called that.

Well, now Miss Pudder has copped quite the feline attitude, and I'm reconsidering her name - perhaps changing it to "SassyPants". Between the constant jockeying for more food, not coming back in after I let her out to romp, and the fact that she snuggles up to Jarad before she even considers me...
Well, I think she needs some adjustment in her 'tude, and maybe a new name will help. Check out the look on her face:

Seriously, she practically oozes Stewie-like derision (Stewie from The Family Guy). Sheesh. Is this what I get for all the love and care I give? I mean, I sat through an admonishment by the vet the other day for her (someone gained .25 lbs since her last checkup...bad mommy, giving too many treats!)! This all must be part of the elusive "charm" cats have...?


Natalie said...

Ah yes, it sometimes escapes even me why we put up with the attitude. And you really cannot control who they take to. Nellie completely ignores Deano's existence, but manages to seek out his clothes to pee on when she's upset. Allison, on the other hand, is obsessed with him and doesn't let him walk a foot without weaving through his legs.

But they do provide endless amusement to us. Such a sassy face! And I never noticed she has a throat locket like Allison. Tres chic.

btw- Wrod verification: raticate. How fitting for this post.

Hot4Teacha said...

"Raticate" - that is perfect!!

Yeah, I try not to take it personally, but seriously, last night we were in bed and up comes Pudder, and who does she go cuddle up with? Um, not me! Apparently I'm chopped liver when Jarad is around.

When I'm the only game in town, though, then I suffice. Sigh.