Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Cutest Thing

So coming back from my afternoon Caribou run, I was waiting for the light to change at Ye Olde Busy Intersection. To my dismay I see mama duck & 5 ducklings...dead center in traffic! (The pic below isn't from today, but just to illustrate the cuteness!)

Just as I see them, another driver does, too...a wizened little old man in a beat-up Ford. He stops next to them, blocking traffic in every direction. Out of the car he climbs, goes around to the side of his car where the ducks are, and gently shoos them off the road towards the pond on the other side (all the while holding his hand out to traffic, as if he were a traffic cop!).

People were clapping in their cars!! It was great!! No one ran over the ducks or the little old guy, and only one idiot honked in (I assume) irritation. Not too shabby!

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