Upon arrival at The Otter, more drinks were digested, thanks in large part to the excellence of Jason the Bartender (Comstockian).

As the evening progressed, silliness ensued. We met up with Paul Honsey & Paul Distad, as well as J-O-N "Jonathan" Moore. Good times, good times. A pitcher of "Jason in a Glass" followed by Lemon Drops for all ensured hilarity amidst the crazy karaoke and eclectic crowd.

At this point, the evening becomes a bit hazy. Reports have placed me as staggering to the bathroom, only to find it in use, and instead of waiting, busting into the men's room instead. Must not have made too much of a scene, as I returned to the bar. Time went by, more drinks consumed, and apparently it was decided that Curt & I should get a cab and go to his girlfriend Ann's house, which was close by. I can say I vaguely remember being on Hennepin Ave. trying to get a cab, but after that... not so much. Curt told me the next morning that I was opening the cab door while the driver was still driving. Oops. Also, there was a significant bump on my forehead come morning, so I must have been extremely graceful in my sloppy state and knocked into something.

Good times. Just like the old days...except, it now takes me 2 weeks to recover. I hate getting old! The next Comstock reunion will hopefully find additions to our already awesome clan - perhaps a Goltzman appearance? Or a Holmes drop-in? We hold our collective breath, daring to hope for this possibility. Until next time, dear Comstockians, it was a blast getting schnockered with you!!

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