Monday, December 10, 2007

When Boys Are Sick...

I've discovered that there are a few very common reactions when one is sick. Both have legitimacy in my eyes, but really, must others be punished by a sick person's weak immune system? Sigh...

Reaction one to being sick is to hermit oneself away from the world - the I-just-want-to-be-alone-in-my-misery approach. This is fine; why share your illness? Why try to make witty banter with those around you if you don't feel up to it? Why force your germs out into the world, when the world does not accept nor want them? Closet yourself away, recuperate, and emerge victorious and energetic when you can.

Reaction two is the "sick and proud of it" approach - the can-I-have-all-your-attention-and-whine-all-day-for-days-on-end method. Now, this has its place as well, because as people pay attention to us and take care of us, we feel loved and cherished. Some would even say this caretaking lends itself to quicker healing.

All I know is, when I'm trying to sleep and someone is hacking their lungs out next to me, I don't see how my presence is helping anyone. It certainly isn't helping Hacky Hackerson over there; he just keeps coughing. It very definitely doesn't improve my life; I'm exhausted and depleted the next morning, and I'm not even the sick one.

And why is it, when boys are sick, they almost always adopt reaction #2? Do they revert to an instinctual need for motherly care? I'm all about helping someone out if I can, but my being exhausted and cranky doesn't seem to have any benefits, as far as I can tell. Other than making me look sweet (which I can be, but not when I'm tired), I don't see the upside here.

So, all you boys, you're on notice - make your own doctor appointments. Get your own cough remedies. And for God's sake, when we choose to sleep in the other room for the night, don't get the hangdog, sad puppy look on your face. We still love you...just not your cough.


Gebby said...

Heck Yeah!!
I can certainly relate to option#2 when boys are sick! My hubby is a big baby when he's sick and I usually kick it into high gear when taking good care of him! It definitely takes a toll on you even when your not the one who is sick!!! LOL!!!

dancingo4 said...

I think it is in the male DNA...needy piles of goo...

I noticed you use the word "love"

Is there something you'd like to share?

Natalie said...

Dean is definitely type #2. Thank heavens he doesn't get sick very often, I don't think I could take it!