Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Miss "Star Trek: The Next Generation"

I miss Captain Picard, Data, and all those crazy guys from Star Trek: TNG.

I will always have a fond memory of seeing Jean-Luc Picard in real life (actor Patrick Stewart), performing at the Guthrie. I went to see a production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe? with Geb and her folks. They had season tickets, and we sat in the second row, stage left.

There was Patrick Stewart in all his bald glory. The fight scenes got so intense he was spitting as he shouted at Mercedes Ruehl, playing Virginia.

And I swear a little Picard spittle landed on my cheek at one point. Delicious.

Oh, if only I could hear him say, just one more time, "Make it so." It would make my day.


Natalie said...

For some reason I thought of you when I saw this randomness...

Hot4Teacha said...

Yes! That is awesome!! I saw a similar Barack t-shirt, showing the slogan Barack Me Amadeus, but a thong...even better! Hell yeah!