Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Why My Friends Kick Butt

I know most everyone has friends. This is true, except for that poor miscreant who never learned any social skills and thus spends his/her day in solitary misery. But that's for another time. While I accept that most everyone has friends, I don't think most people have the caliber of friends that I have. And damn, they really do kick butt! Here, I pay homage to the extra super special ones who are closest to my heart; to write about every single friend would take more space than I can reasonably account for!

Let's see, where to start? Well, first there's "The Girls". Known throughout the land by their collective identity, "The Girls" have been going strong for well over 10 years now. We've seen so much, been through it all together, and continue to share in each other's joys, sorrows, and all things in between. I liken "The Girls" to the characters of Sex and the City; we just fit. I don't know who's who in that comparison, but sufficed to say that we are indominatable when en masse; even the husbands know to take a step back when in the presence of "The Girls".

Then there's Cindy. Now, I know, technically she's family, but seriously, she's been my friend and quasi-sister more than just my cousin for my entire life. We used to exchange letters when we were growing up, and I spent part of every summer down at her parents' house. We hit up New Orleans together and survived! She honored me by asking me to be her maid of honor, and continues to amaze me with her grace and strength after losing her husband so early in life. We have had many excursions up north over the years, to visit grandparents, stay at the cabin, and hike in the woods; I expect we'll continue our travels together throughout life.

Joy. Her name just says it all, right? Joy and I met in college; grad school, mainly. Joy is amazing. She has such a good heart and trusting nature, and is always looking out for what others need and how others feel. She seeks to make others comfortable and happy, and really strives to be a good daughter, sister, wife, friend, and teacher. Joy & I spent a lot of quality time together during our first years of teaching...that very first year, I think we met at Jake's Bar & Grill at least once a week for wings, beer, & bitching (about students, teaching, colleagues... whatever!). She's the person I call when I have to tell someone about this thing that happened, or to bounce ideas off of, or to just hear a voice on the other end that makes me smile. I'm also her marathon groupie; she runs, I cheer...then we drink.

There's Heather, my homey up in Forest Lake. Heather is another special person; she keeps me grounded, and if I get off on the wrong path of thinking, she'll smack me back to reality. Truly, it's a good thing to have a person in your life who puts up with no B.S. and calls you out when it's needed. Heather embraces everything life has to offer, and doesn't waste time on regrets and "what-if's". She works hard, plays hard, and just generally rocks. Heather knows who she is and what she wants, and makes no apologies for either. It's f*cking awesome. Oh, and she can drink pretty much anyone I know under a table. She's done it to me countless times, and to most every guy who's ever been dumb enough to challenge her!

And last, there's Jessica. I know; again, she's family, but really and truly, before we were sisters-in-law, we were friends. I feel so lucky to have her in my life! I joke that of all the people in our high school class who I might have kept in touch with, Jess is probably the one. The fact that she's married to my brother makes that pretty d*mn easy! But seriously, Jess is and always has been the sweetest person in the world. It's hard to enumerate every little thing that shows her kindness, but here's a biggie: When we were juniors in high school, Jess was dating my brother Brian, and they were going to prom together. Despite having a dress and having been a planner for prom, I had no date. So, I asked if my brother would walk me through grand march. And then I asked myself along to dinner with him, Jess, Andrea, & Lee (still friends of ours). Jess never once complained - can you imagine? Your date's little sister tagging along to prom? I have the grace to be embarrassed now - what was I thinking!? - but at the time, I was included and welcomed. That's the kind of person Jess was at 17 years old, and still is today.

OK, that's seven; I think I should stop there! But really, people, how did I get so lucky to have these amazing women in my life? I am thankful every day to have all of them in my life, and know that I am one lucky b*tch.


Natalie said...

Yay! Beautiful post. So eloquent.

I like to think us girls have a Sex in the City relationship, but my only complaint about the show was the compartmentalizing of the characters. We are real, each of us has elements of all the characters (yep, even Samantha).

Thanks for brightening my day.

Hot4Teacha said...

Heck yeah!

It was a lot of fun to write this post - the words just came so easily...I guess it's true, when you have genuine, nice things to say about people, you don't stumble over words...the truth is easy!