Monday, October 20, 2008

The Dirty Thirties

The list grows longer of those of us who have entered The Dirty Thirties. Recently, my friend Erin and my friend Geb's husband, Paul, were inducted into this dubious club. Prior to that, my brother Brian fell victim, as did my cousin Cindy, Geb, my friend Joy, and many others. My cousin Mike's birthday is this week, and Amanda's hubby Mike has his coming up in early November.

My time as a twenty-something is drawing quickly to a close, too. Soon, it will be my turn, then Amanda's, right around Christmas. My sister-in-law Jessica meets her destiny in February, and Natalie, perpetually younger than all of us, will be the last to go, next July.

What the hell happened? How did we get here?

Seriously, we are NOT this old.


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