So it occurs to me that I'm awfully lucky.
Not in the I-win-the-lottery sense, or the get-bumped-to-first-class way, but in so many other shapes and forms. What brings on this epiphany? Well, I met with clients today who were absolutely the most charming, sweetest folks I've met in doing this job. They obviously love each other and their kids deeply, and they work hard for each other. How does this make ME lucky, and not them? Well, for starters, they are both deaf.
I never really thought about how different my life would be if I couldn't hear, or see, or walk, or all those things I just take for granted. Sure, I bitch about not being as skinny as I'd like, or that my Diana Ross hair goes out of whack every other day. But do I really have anything to complain about? When looking at what other people deal with on a day to day basis, I feel kind of bad for even THINKING my life has any such woe. I mean, really, to never be able to hear those damn birds every morning? Far worse than them waking you up, I think...
Anyway, it gets me to thinking that I should really make the best of what I have, because I'm so lucky to have it. I SHOULD watch the sunrise, because I can. I SHOULD listen to the opera, because I can. I SHOULD go for a walk, every day, because my legs work and my feet work and I can.
On that note, I'm going to take my lucky self out around the block for a nice stroll in the crisp September air. I'll listen to the wind in the trees, see the sun shine, and appreciate it just a little more than I normally do.