Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Plop, plop

How does that old Alka Seltzer commercial go? "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is"? I'll be majorly relieved when this week is over!

I'm closing on my condo this Friday. It's been a long month of imposing on my cousin by staying at her place (so I don't have such a horrendous commute), and imposing on my old roommate and his new renter (and my friend), as almost all my stuff is still at that house, taking up space. I feel like a nomad, wandering from home to home but without one to call my very own.

Until now! Well, until Friday. It's gonna feel GREAT to sleep in my own place - even though it will be on an air mattress for the first week, until my brothers come down and help me move my furniture!

Here's to a place to call home - cheers, down go the Alka-Seltzer!

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