Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Franklin Fete

Oh, good gracious, fun was had by the Franklin Family on Friday!! So it was Mike's birthday and Krissy's birthday in the last week or so...the original Franklin's, that is. A birthday bash ensued at The Corner Bar in the Seven Corners area where we (the girls) used to drink adult-type beverages on a regular basis. Not only that, but we drank them in mass quanities (out of fish bowls - don't ask if you weren't there...had to be there).

Anyway, after a little snookie with the boy, I moseyed on up to Mpls. for some Franklin Family Fun. All the players from the wedding were there - Louis, Gay Paul (who is not gay and kept trying to get me to go back to the hotel with him), brother Mitch, etc. Gay Paul still had a hard-on for petting my chest; I've never met anyone that can just molest people and get away with it quite like Paul. I mean, I let him molest me - me, who knows that all of my charm and power and wit are located within the ta-ta's!

Anyway, I had a good time. Wish I could have partied more, but had to go work at the bank the next day...sigh. Whichever way the wind blows, though, I know a good time is to be had at any Franklin Fete. Bravo, Franklin's, bravo!

1 comment:

dancingo4 said...

Yippeeeee!! So fun.
Thanks for coming and sharing in the craziness.

I've made the same comments about Paul since i've met him. How does he get away with this? Amazing.

Wooo hooooooo!