Friday, October 19, 2007

Get on Board...The Happy Train (of thought)

So I was reading my plethora of online news sources this morning, and came across a neat little blurb about brightening up your day when the sun just won't come out (ie: gloomy-ass MN). The idea was to make a list of 5 (or 10, or 20) things that make you happy. This is to allow yourself to focus on those things, instead of the negative or "downer" things you might be choosing to expend your energy on (such as, why won't it quit raining!?).

With that, my list of things that make me happy:

#10. Coming home at the end of a long, hard-worked day, knowing I helped people.
#9. Cuddling on the couch w/ a certain sweetheart of a guy.
#8. Dogs sticking their heads out of car windows as people drive around town.
#7. Finding that perfect new purse...on clearance!
#6. Spending time doing things that are good for me, physically/emotionally/mentally.
#5. Caribou Coffee's vanilla latte.
#4. Giving little gifts or sending random cards to brighten other's day.
#3. Going out with The Girls and catching up - after 10 years, still much looked-forward-to!
#2. My kitty cat Pudder, who greets me every morning with a head butt to get me up.
#1. My niece Livia, who upon seeing me whispers, "Auntie Di!" and then proceeds to smash me.

I challenge you, dear readers, to come up with your own list of the little (or big) things that bring some sunshine and happiness into your day. Cheers!

1 comment:

nat said...

Great list (especially #3!)! This is something I'm going to try to do after some of my bazillion deadlines have passed...